Outdoor All Day Dining
All day dining restaurant merupakan salah satu tempat yang sering dikunjungi oleh tamu hotel, oleh k...
Pentingnya Menambah Dekorasi Rumah Anda
Mempercantik interior ruangan dengan menambahkan lukisan di dinding menjadi hal utama untuk mendekor...
Tall Cabinets
Inviting you to rest your eyes and mull over our tall kitchen cabinet standing stout and proud among...
Break Fast Counter Table
Dressed up entirely in a lustrous chunk of timeless teak, portraying a unique fluid form, our luxuri...
Show Kitchen
Seldom as it is, when imaginative clients with bold streaks do not pause over a road less travelled,...
Work Area Kitchen
At Rekai Designers, we design spaces in myriad ways. Illustrating the belief is our modern rustic ki...
Kitchen Design
Presenting our kitchen entailing the chemistry of a monochrome palette against all odds. Utilizing t...
Minimal Approach Bedroom Design
Hail a design style for your bedroom space that truly packs a punch! Take in the grey walls plastere...
Modern and Minimalist Bedroom Design
Modern, minimalist and unerringly classy. Struck a chord within you? Then take a look at our line of...